
I skipped writing for last 3-4 days because of the exam, which I had yesterday. The last exam of the previous semester which was cancelled due to the pandemic. Somehow I  managed to keep studying in the last week when I seriously had no motivation. I did think of withdrawing from the exam but I also didn’t want to pile up the subjects for next semester.

So, I continued with the study. The thought of getting rid of this subject and having a nice little celebration on my own after the exam kept me going. Now, I only hope to get through the exam. Going to University after a month, was itself weird. And I was quite anxious too when using public transport. But once I entered my campus, things felt a bit normal, although there was only fewer people to be spotted.

I reached some hours before the exam and thought of going to the library, which seemed impossible. So, I crashed into my workspace, which was empty too. So, I studied there for a while and ate a quick lunch. I did see some of my co-workers, who were in different rooms. After the exam, I stayed in the Uni for a while and then left for home, which surprisingly, took longer than expected because of the problem with public transport. However, I took another alternative route, which to my surprise introduced me to the scenic landscape which I never saw that close.

But the bus ride took a long time and I wanted to reach home soon and enjoy a cold beer and hot chicken wings. I almost thought of dropping the idea of celebration but then I also knew that I would have to cook something so why not continue with the intended plan.

I had beer and wings after more than a month. Although, there was a slight change in the plan. Instead of enjoying alone, I spent time drinking beer and talking with my flatmate. It was a nice evening and then I was full and tired and ready to fall asleep.

14/04/2020 – Day 25 – Quarantine

Before going off to sleep yesterday, I had a fleeting thought that if I managed to get up really early today, then I would go for a somewhat longer walk.

Luckily enough, I woke up at 5:30 am. I tried sleeping again, but I couldn’t, so I got off the bed and freshened up and started with my work right away until 6:45 am. And at 7:00 am, I went on a long walk, which lasted around 50 minutes.

The streets were quiet and it was a bit colder than yesterday. My ears froze. But I was good to go. I just assumed it was a perfect morning to be out exploring because it’s cold and quite early for many people to be around. Only cars were to be seen moving.

I walked and walked, without GPS, mostly anywhere that would somehow lead me to the hill or forest. And somehow, after 20 minutes of walk, I was already walking up a hill. I walked halfway through and then retraced my path downhill to be back home soon. So that I could avoid the slowly rising hustle of the day outside. On my way back, although, I did use GPS to find the shortest route to home.

And I tried to finally finish one of the task related to work by noon. After which,  I hardly could concentrate. Anyway, instead of forcefully dragging, I finally stopped the work at 5:00 pm.

After some relaxation, I studied and did one exercise. I am surprised how easily I could do it as compared to the last time when I was having hard time understanding few things.

Anyway,  after that I had my dinner – boiled potatoes and creamy mushroom- what a comforting combination of food. Now, I’ll try one last exercise and be off to sleep.

09/04/2020 – Day 20 – Quarantine

I have no special thing to talk about today. It seem to me just another quarantine day. Only thing I am proud of is being able to sit and do the work even if I lack inspiration at the moment. The sun is getting hotter day by day -another reason to stay inside because I just don’t like longer days. However, I don’t wish to complain about this weather because it also brings a hope that it might slow down virus spread. There is so certain evidence to this anticipation. Only time will tell. Yet fingers-crossed.